Custom QtGui.QGraphicsView component.
GraphicsView | |
GraphicsViewMonitor | Emit signals when a registered graphics view changes status. |
Bases: PyQt4.QtCore.QObject
Emit signals when a registered graphics view changes status.
Signals : |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when the mouse pointer leaves the scene
C++ signature: | void leave(QGraphicsView*) |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when the mouse pointer is moved on the scene
C++ signature: | void mouseMoved(QtGui.QGraphicsScene, QtCore.QPointF, QtCore.Qt.MuseButtons) |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when the graphicsview window is resized
C++ signature: | void resized(QGraphicsView*, QSize) |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when a graphics view is scrolled
C++ signature: | void scrolled(QGraphicsView*) |
C++ signature: | void viewportResized(QGraphicsView*) |