Overview pannel for GDAL raster bands.
overrideCursor(func) |
BandOverviewDock(app[, flags]) | |
NavigationGraphicsView([parent]) | Graphics view for dataset navigation. |
OverviewController(app, **kwargs) |
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QDockWidget
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QGraphicsView
Graphics view for dataset navigation.
The view usually displays an auto-scalled low resolution overview of the scene with a red box indicating the area currently displayed in the high resolution view.
Signals : |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when the mouse is moved on the view
Parameters: |
C++ signature: | void mouseMoved(QPointF, Qt::MouseButtons, QGraphicsView::DragMode) |
SIGNAL: it is emitted when a mouse button is presses on the view
Parameters: |
C++ signature: | void mousePressed(QPointF, Qt::MouseButtons, QGraphicsView::DragMode) |
viewport box in scene coordinates