Exectools tool descriptors for gsdtools .
BaseGdalToolDescriptor(executable[, args, ...]) | Base class for GDAL tool descriprors. |
HistogramRequest([hmin, hmax, nbuckets, ...]) | |
Ras2vecDescriptor([cwd, env, ...]) | Descriptor for ras2vec tool. |
StatsDescriptor([cwd, env, stdout_handler, ...]) | Descriptor for gsdstats tool. |
Bases: gsdview.gdalbackend.gdalexectools.BaseGdalToolDescriptor
Descriptor for ras2vec tool.
See also
Parameters: |
See also
Store absolute path in bounding box feature description.
Generate markers for bounding box corners.
Generate an additional layer for GCPs.
Bases: gsdview.gdalbackend.gdalexectools.BaseGdalToolDescriptor
Descriptor for gsdstats tool.
See also
Parameters: |
See also
Allow approximate statistics computation.
If set then statistics may be computed based on overviews or a subset of all tiles (default: False)
Compute statistics for a specific raster band.
Default: all bands are precessed.
Histogram request.
Histogram request objects allow to specifie parameters for historams computarion or disable histogram computation at all.
See also
If set to a non null value the histogram computation is enabled:
desctiptot.hist = True
the above code is equivalent to:
desctiptot.hist.computehistogram = True
Use histogram request object attributes to speficy custom parameters for historam comutation:
desctiptot.hist.hmin = - 0.5
desctiptot.hist.hmax = 3000.5
desctiptot.hist.nbuckets = 101
desctiptot.hist.include_out_of_range = True
To disable histocram computation set it hist to False:
desctiptot.hist = False
Setting hist to None disable histogram computation and perform a fiull reset of the histogram requast object:
desctiptot.hist = None
Only print minimum and maximum on the same line
Disable statistics computation (default: False)
Write results to FILE.
Suppress progress messages.
Specify source window in image coordinates.
Default: the entire image is processed.