Source code for gsdview.pluginmanager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of GSDView.

### GSDView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### GSDView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
### along with GSDView; if not, write to the Free Software
### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.

'''Plugin manager.'''

import os
import sys
import pkgutil
import logging
from distutils.versionpredicate import VersionPredicate

    import pkg_resources
except ImportError:
    logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('"pkg_resources" not found.')

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__date__ = '$Date: 2009-05-31 10:28:43 +0200 (dom, 31 mag 2009) $'
__revision__ = '$Revision: 430 $'

[docs]class PluginManager(object): def __init__(self, app, syspath=None): super(PluginManager, self).__init__() self.paths = [] self.syspath = syspath self.plugins = {} self.autoload = [] self._app = app def _get_allplugins(self): plugins = set(self.plugins.keys()) plugins.update(self._scanpaths()) return sorted(plugins) allplugins = property(_get_allplugins, doc='List of all availabe plugins.') def _scanpaths(self): if not self.paths: return [] plugins = [] for loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(self.paths): if name.startswith('_'): continue plugins.append(name) for path in self.paths: try: for egg in pkg_resources.find_distributions(path): if egg.egg_name().startswith('_'): continue plugins.append(egg.key) except NameError: pass return plugins def _check_dependency(self, depstring): # @TODO: use pkg_resources' parse_requirements and Requirement # if available: # for r in parse_requirements('gsdview >= 0.5'): # return r.key in self.plugins and avail_ver in r depstring = depstring.strip() if not depstring: return True modules = dict(self.plugins) # @TODO: use a cleaner way to provide extra modules for check #import gsdview #modules['gsdview'] = gsdview try: vp = VersionPredicate(depstring) except ValueError as e: # @TODO: remove dependency from self._app self._app.logger.error('invalid version preficate "%s": %s' % ( depstring, e)) return False if in modules: try: return vp.satisfied_by(modules[].version) except ValueError as e: logging.warning(str(e)) # , exc_info=True) return False else: return False def _check_deps(self, module): try: for depstring in module.__requires__: if not self._check_dependency(depstring): return False except Exception: logger = logging.getLogger('gsdview') logger.error('error checking dependencies for module: %s' % module) raise return True
[docs] def load_module(self, module, name=None): # @TODO: make the module independent from gsdview logger = logging.getLogger('gsdview') if not name: name = module.__name__ try: # @TODO: find a more general form to pass arguments to plugins module.init(self._app) self.plugins[name] = module'"%s" plugin loaded.' % name) except Exception as e: # AttributeError: logger.warning('error loading "%s" plugin: %s' % (name, e)) # @WARNING: (pychecker) Parameter (type_) not used
[docs] def load(self, names, paths=None, info_only=False, type_='plugins'): if paths is None: paths = self.paths elif isinstance(paths, basestring): paths = [paths] if not paths: paths = [] if self.syspath: paths.append(self.syspath) if names is None: names = [] elif isinstance(names, basestring): names = [names] # @TODO: make the module independent from gsdview logger = logging.getLogger('gsdview') delayed = {} for path in paths: importer = pkgutil.get_importer(path) try: distributions = pkg_resources.find_distributions(path) distributions = dict((egg.key, egg) for egg in distributions) except NameError: distributions = {} for name in names: if name in self.plugins: continue if name in sys.modules: module = sys.modules[name] else: try: loader = importer.find_module(name) if loader: module = loader.load_module(name) elif name in distributions: egg = distributions[name] egg.activate() module = __import__(name) else: logger.warning('unable to find "%s" plugin' % name) continue except ImportError as e: logger.warning('unable to import "%s" plugin: %s' % (name, e)) continue if not info_only: if not self._check_deps(module): delayed[name] = module'loading of "%s" plugin delayed' % else: self.load_module(module, name) # @TODO: delayed loading if delayed and not info_only: MAXATTEMPTS = 10 delayed_again = delayed iter_count = 0 loaded_count = None while delayed_again and loaded_count != 0: # check for max number of iterations if iter_count > MAXATTEMPTS: logger.warning('max number of attempts reached for ' 'delayed plugins loading') break else: iter_count += 1 loaded_count = 0 delayed = delayed_again delayed_again = {} for name, module in delayed.iteritems(): if not self._check_deps(module): delayed_again[name] = module logging.debug('loading of "%s" plugin delayed ' 'again' % name) else: self.load_module(module, name) loaded_count += 1 if len(delayed_again):'%d modules not loaded because of unmet ' 'dependency' % len(delayed_again)) # @TODO: log more verbose info: per module dependency failure # @WARNING: (pychecker) Parameter (type_) not used
[docs] def unload(self, names, type_='plugin'): if isinstance(names, basestring): names = [names] for name in names: module = self.plugins.pop(name) # @TODO: find a more general form to pass arguments to plugins module.close(self._app)
[docs] def reset(self): # the dictionary is modified during the iteration so the iteration # have to be performed on a concrete list for name in self.plugins.keys(): plugin = self.plugins.pop(name) # @TODO: find a more general form to pass arguments to plugins plugin.close(self._app) self.paths = [] # @NOTE: this method is Qt specific # @TODO: move to specialized classes implementations that rely on a # specific external library
[docs] def save_settings(self, settings): settings.beginGroup('pluginmanager') try: paths = list(self.paths) # @NOTE: copy if self.syspath in paths: paths.remove(self.syspath) settings.setValue('pluginspaths', paths) autoload = set(self.autoload) autoload = list(autoload.intersection(self.allplugins)) settings.setValue('autoload_plugins', autoload) settings.setValue('available_plugins', self.allplugins) finally: settings.endGroup() # @NOTE: this method is Qt specific # @TODO: move to specialized classes implementations that rely on a # specific external library
[docs] def load_settings(self, settings): settings.beginGroup('pluginmanager') try: paths = settings.value('pluginspaths') if paths is not None: self.paths = paths if self.syspath and not self.syspath in self.paths: self.paths.append(self.syspath) self.autoload = settings.value('autoload_plugins', []) if self.autoload is None: self.autoload = [] self.load(self.autoload) # @TODO: check # @NOTE: by default loads new plugins available_plugins = set(self.allplugins) old_plugins = settings.value('available_plugins', []) new_plugins = available_plugins.difference(old_plugins) self.load(list(new_plugins)) # only marks actually loaded plugins new_plugins.intersection_update(self.plugins) self.autoload.extend(new_plugins) finally: settings.endGroup() ### GUI ####################################################################### # @TODO: move Qt specific implementation elsewhere
import functools from qt import QtCore, QtGui # @TODO: check dependency - getuiform, geticon, setViewContextActions from . import qt4support PluginManagerGuiBase = qt4support.getuiform('pluginmanager', __name__)
[docs]class PluginManagerGui(QtGui.QWidget, PluginManagerGuiBase): # @TODO: emit signal for ??? def __init__(self, pluginmanager, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(0), **kwargs): super(PluginManagerGui, self).__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) self.setupUi(self) # Set icons geticon = qt4support.geticon self.addButton.setIcon(geticon('add.svg', __name__)) self.removeButton.setIcon(geticon('remove.svg', __name__)) self.editButton.setIcon(geticon('edit.svg', __name__)) self.upButton.setIcon(geticon('go-up.svg', __name__)) self.downButton.setIcon(geticon('go-down.svg', __name__)) # Set plugin manager attribute self.pluginmanager = pluginmanager # Context menu qt4support.setViewContextActions(self.pathListWidget) qt4support.setViewContextActions(self.pluginsTableWidget) # @TODO: check edit triggers #int(self.pathListWidget.editTriggers() & # self.pathListWidget.DoubleClicked) self.pathListWidget.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self.pathSelectionChanged) self.addButton.clicked.connect(self.addPathItem) self.removeButton.clicked.connect(self.removeSelectedPathItem) self.upButton.clicked.connect(self.moveSelectedPathItemsUp) self.downButton.clicked.connect(self.moveSelectedPathItemsDown) self.editButton.clicked.connect(self.editSelectedPathItem) @QtCore.Slot()
[docs] def pathSelectionChanged(self): enabled = bool(self.pathListWidget.selectedItems()) self.editButton.setEnabled(enabled) self.removeButton.setEnabled(enabled) self.upButton.setEnabled(enabled) self.downButton.setEnabled(enabled)
[docs] def addPathItem(self): # @TODO: don't directly use _app attribute filedialog = self.pluginmanager._app.filedialog filedialog.setFileMode(filedialog.Directory) if(filedialog.exec_()): dirs = filedialog.selectedFiles() existingdirs = [str(self.pathListWidget.item(row).text()) for row in range(self.pathListWidget.count())] for dir_ in dirs: if dir_ not in existingdirs: self.pathListWidget.addItem(dir_)
[docs] def removeSelectedPathItem(self): model = self.pathListWidget.model() for item in self.pathListWidget.selectedItems(): model.removeRow(self.pathListWidget.row(item))
[docs] def editSelectedPathItem(self): items = self.pathListWidget.selectedItems() if items: item = items[0] # @TODO: don't directly use _app attribute filedialog = self.pluginmanager._app.filedialog filedialog.setFileMode(filedialog.Directory) filedialog.selectFile(item.text()) if(filedialog.exec_()): dirs = filedialog.selectedFiles() if dirs: dir_ = dirs[0] item.setText(dir_)
def _movePathItem(self, item, offset): if offset == 0: return listwidget = self.pathListWidget row = listwidget.row(item) if (row + offset) < 0: offset = -row elif (row + offset) >= listwidget.count(): offset = listwidget.count() - 1 - row if offset == 0: return selected = item.isSelected() item = listwidget.takeItem(row) listwidget.insertItem(row + offset, item) item.setSelected(selected) @QtCore.Slot()
[docs] def moveSelectedPathItemsUp(self): selected = sorted(self.pathListWidget.selectedItems(), key=self.pathListWidget.row) if self.pathListWidget.row(selected[0]) == 0: return for item in selected: self._movePathItem(item, -1)
[docs] def moveSelectedPathItemsDown(self): selected = sorted(self.pathListWidget.selectedItems(), key=self.pathListWidget.row, reverse=True) if (self.pathListWidget.row(selected[0]) == self.pathListWidget.count() - 1): return for item in selected: self._movePathItem(item, 1)
[docs] def update_view(self): self.pathListWidget.clear() for item in self.pluginmanager.paths: self.pathListWidget.addItem(item) self.pluginmanager.load(self.pluginmanager.allplugins, info_only=True) tablewidget = self.pluginsTableWidget tablewidget.clear() tablewidget.setRowCount(0) tablewidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Name'),'Description'),'Info'),'Active'),'Load on startup')]) for plugin in self.pluginmanager.allplugins: name = plugin short_description ='NOT AVAILABLE') disabled = False for dict_ in (self.pluginmanager.plugins, sys.modules): try: module = dict_[name] name = short_description = module.short_description break except AttributeError as e: msg = str(e) if (not "'name'" in msg and not "'short_description'" in msg): raise disabled = True except KeyError: disabled = True index = tablewidget.rowCount() tablewidget.insertRow(index) # name/description tablewidget.setItem(index, 0, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(name)) tablewidget.setItem(index, 1, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(short_description)) # info icon = qt4support.geticon('info.svg', __name__) w = QtGui.QPushButton(icon, '', tablewidget,'Show plugin info.'), clicked=functools.partial( self.showPluginInfo, index)) #clicked=lambda index=index: # self.showPluginInfo(index)) tablewidget.setCellWidget(index, 2, w) # active checked = bool(plugin in self.pluginmanager.plugins) w = QtGui.QCheckBox(tablewidget, checked=checked) tablewidget.setCellWidget(index, 3, w) # TODO: remove this block when plugins unloading will be # available if w.isChecked(): w.setEnabled(False) # autoload checked = bool(plugin in self.pluginmanager.autoload) w = QtGui.QCheckBox(tablewidget, checked=checked,'Load on startup')) tablewidget.setCellWidget(index, 4, w) if disabled: for col in range(tablewidget.columnCount() - 1): item = tablewidget.item(index, col) if item: item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) msg ="Plugin don't seems to be " "compatible with GSDView.") item.setToolTip(msg) else: w = tablewidget.cellWidget(index, col) w.setEnabled(False) tablewidget.resizeColumnsToContents()
[docs] def load(self, settings): self.pluginmanager.load_settings(settings) self.update_view()
[docs] def update_pluginmanager(self): paths = [] for row in range(self.pathListWidget.count()): paths.append(str(self.pathListWidget.item(row).text())) self.pluginmanager.paths = paths tablewidget = self.pluginsTableWidget active = set() autoload = [] for row in range(tablewidget.rowCount()): name = str(tablewidget.item(row, 0).text()) if tablewidget.cellWidget(row, 3).isChecked(): active.add(name) if tablewidget.cellWidget(row, 4).isChecked(): autoload.append(name) toload = active.difference(self.pluginmanager.plugins) tounload = set(self.pluginmanager.plugins).difference(active) assert not set(toload).intersection(tounload) self.pluginmanager.load(toload) # TODO: do not allow backends unloading self.pluginmanager.unload(tounload) self.pluginmanager.autoload = autoload
[docs] def save(self, settings): self.update_pluginmanager() self.pluginmanager.save_settings(settings)
[docs] def showPluginInfo(self, index): item = self.pluginsTableWidget.item(index, 0) name = str(item.text()) try: plugin = self.pluginmanager.plugins[name] active = True except KeyError: active = False try: plugin = sys.modules[name] except KeyError: return d = PluginInfoDialog(plugin, active) d.exec_()
PluginInfoFormBase = qt4support.getuiform('plugininfo', __name__)
[docs]class PluginInfoForm(QtGui.QFrame, PluginInfoFormBase): def __init__(self, plugin=None, active=None, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(0), **kwargs): super(PluginInfoForm, self).__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) self.setupUi(self) if plugin is not None and active is not None: self.loadinfo(plugin, active) else: self.clear()
[docs] def loadinfo(self, plugin, active): self.nameValue.setText( self.descriptionValue.setText(plugin.description) self.authorValue.setText( self.emailValue.setText( '&lt;<a href="mailto:%(email)s">%(email)s</a>&gt;' % dict(email=plugin.author_email)) self.versionValue.setText(plugin.version) self.revisionValue.setText(plugin.__revision__) self.licenseValue.setText(plugin.license_type) self.copyrightValue.setText(plugin.copyright) self.websiteValue.setText('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (, plugin.website_label)) fullpath = plugin.__file__ if fullpath.endswith('.pyc') or fullpath.endswith('.pyo'): fullpath = fullpath.rstrip('co') s = '' % os.sep if fullpath.endswith(s): fullpath = fullpath[:-len(s)] self.fullPathValue.setText(fullpath) self.loadedCheckBox.setChecked(active)
[docs] def clear(self): self.nameValue.setText('') self.descriptionValue.setText('') self.authorValue.setText('') self.emailValue.setText('') self.versionValue.setText('') self.revisionValue.setText('') self.licenseValue.setText('') self.copyrightValue.setText('') self.websiteValue.setText('') self.fullPathValue.setText('') self.loadedCheckBox.setChecked(False)
[docs]class PluginInfoDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, plugin, active, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(0), **kwargs): super(PluginInfoDialog, self).__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) self.setModal(True) bbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox() bbox.addButton(bbox.Close) b = bbox.button(bbox.Close) b.clicked.connect(self.accept) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(PluginInfoForm(plugin, active)) layout.addWidget(bbox) self.setLayout(layout)

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