Source code for gsdview.mousemanager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of GSDView.

### GSDView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### GSDView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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'''Mouse manager for the Qt4 graphics framework.

Mouse management for the Qt4 graphics framework is implemented by a set
of MouseMode objects, that provide specific event handlers and behave
like a descriptor, and a manager object that catches mouse events and
dispatch them to the appropriate hendler.

The MouseManager provides methods for eddeing/removing mouse modes,
making the system expandible, and also methods to register objects
(QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView) to be controlled.


from qt import QtCore, QtGui

from . import qt4support

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__date__ = '$Date$'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'

[docs]class MouseMode(QtCore.QObject): '''Base class for mouse mode desctiptors. Qt Graphics Framework mouse mode descriptors define some basic property for mouse related matters: - cursor - dragmode - eventFilter - name - label - icon The first three properties (not to be intender as python progremming language property) are strongly characterizing of the way the mouse works. In particular the eventFilter method is used to filter all events coming from graphics scenes an graphics views. .. note:: in order to work properly the eventFilter should be installed on both graphics scene and view and also on the scrollbars of the graphics view. So please always use the register method of MouseManager for a proper installaton of al event filters. ''' dragmode = QtGui.QGraphicsView.NoDrag cursor = None icon = QtGui.QIcon() label = '' name = ''
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): '''Basic implementation of the eventFilter method. The dafault implementation makes some basic operation such setting the mouse cursor anc dispatch the event to specific methods: - sceneEventFilter - viewEventFilter - scrollbarEventFilter In most of the cases derived classes only need to specialize one or more of this specific methods. ''' if isinstance(obj, QtGui.QGraphicsScene): return self.sceneEventFilter(obj, event) elif isinstance(obj, QtGui.QGraphicsView): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Enter: obj.setDragMode(self.dragmode) if self.cursor: obj.setCursor(self.cursor) else: obj.unsetCursor() return self.viewEventFilter(obj, event) elif isinstance(obj, QtGui.QScrollBar): return self.scrollbarEventFilter(obj, event) else: return False
[docs] def sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event): return False
[docs] def viewEventFilter(self, obj, event): return False
[docs] def scrollbarEventFilter(self, obj, event): return False
[docs]class PointerMode(MouseMode): dragmode = QtGui.QGraphicsView.NoDrag cursor = None icon = qt4support.geticon('arrow.svg', __name__) label = 'Pointer' name = 'pointer'
[docs]class ScrollHandMode(MouseMode): dragmode = QtGui.QGraphicsView.ScrollHandDrag cursor = None icon = qt4support.geticon('hand.svg', __name__) label = 'Scroll hand' name = 'hand'
[docs] def viewEventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Wheel: # Delta is expressed in 1/8 degree delta = / 8. # degree # Conversion from degrees to zoom factor if abs(delta) < 15: # fine resolution mouse k = 1.1 / abs(delta) else: # a factor of 1.1 every 15 degrees k = 1.1 / 15. if delta >= 0: factor = k * delta else: factor = -1 / (k * delta) obj.scale(factor, factor) event.accept() return True else: event.ignore() return False
[docs] def scrollbarEventFilter(self, obj, event): # ignore wheel events if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Wheel: return True else: return False
[docs]class RubberBandMode(MouseMode): '''Mouse mode for rubber band selection. :SIGNALS: * :attr:`rubberBandSeclection` ''' dragmode = QtGui.QGraphicsView.RubberBandDrag cursor = QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor icon = qt4support.geticon('area.svg', __name__) label = 'Rubber band' name = 'rubberband' #: SIGNAL: it is emitted when a rectangular area is selected #: #: :C++ signature: `void rubberBandSeclection(const QRectF&)` rubberBandSeclection = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QRectF)
[docs] def sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseRelease: p0 = event.buttonDownScenePos(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) p1 = event.scenePos() rect = QtCore.QRectF(p0, p1).normalized() self.rubberBandSeclection.emit(rect) return True #return obj.eventFilter(obj, event) # @TODO: check #return QtGui.QGraphicsScene.eventFilter(self, obj, event) return False
[docs] def scrollbarEventFilter(self, obj, event): # ignore wheel events if some button is pressed if ((event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Wheel) and (event.buttons() != QtCore.Qt.NoButton)): return True else: return False
[docs]class MouseManager(QtCore.QObject): #: SIGNAL: it is emitted when the mouse mode is changed #: #: :C++ signature: `void modeChanged(const QString&)` modeChanged = QtCore.Signal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None, stdmodes=True, **kwargs): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) self._moderegistry = [] self.actions = QtGui.QActionGroup(self) self.actions.setExclusive(True) if stdmodes: self.registerStandardModes()
[docs] def registerStandardModes(self): for mode in (PointerMode, ScrollHandMode): # , RubberBandMode): self.addMode(mode) if len(self._moderegistry) and not self.actions.checkedAction(): self.actions.actions()[0].setChecked(True)
def _newModeAction(self, mode, parent): if isinstance(mode.icon, basestring): icon = QtGui.QIcon(mode.icon) elif isinstance(mode.icon, QtGui.QStyle.StandardPixmap): style = icon = style.standardIcon(mode.icon) else: icon = mode.icon action = QtGui.QAction(icon,, parent,, checkable=True) action.triggered.connect(lambda: self.modeChanged.emit(self.mode)) return action def _getMode(self): action = self.actions.checkedAction() index = self.actions.actions().index(action) return self._moderegistry[index].name def _setMode(self, name): names = self.modes() index = names.index(name) action = self.actions.actions()[index] action.setChecked(True) def _delMode(self, name): names = [ for m in self._moderegistry] index = names.index(name) action = self.actions.actions()[index] self.actions.removeAction(action) del self._moderegistry[index] #~ if actin.checked() and self._moderegistry: #~ self.actions.actions()[0].setChecked(True) mode = property(_getMode, _setMode, _delMode, 'mouse mode name')
[docs] def modes(self): return tuple( for m in self._moderegistry)
[docs] def addMode(self, mode): if isinstance(mode, type): mode = mode(self) action = self._newModeAction(mode, self.actions) self.actions.addAction(action) self._moderegistry.append(mode)
[docs] def getModeDescriptor(self, name=None): '''Return the mouse mode object''' try: if name is None: action = self.actions.checkedAction() index = self.actions.actions().index(action) else: names = self.modes() index = names.index(name) return self._moderegistry[index] except IndexError: # @TODO: check #raise ValueError('invalid mde nema: "%s"' % mode) return None
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): '''Events dispatcher''' return self.getModeDescriptor().eventFilter(obj, event)
[docs] def register(self, obj): '''Register a Qt graphics object to be monitored by the mouse manager. QGraphicsScene and QGrapgicsViews (and descending classes) objects can be registered to be monitored by the mouse manager. Scene objects associated to views (passes as argument) are automatically registered. ''' obj.installEventFilter(self) try: obj.verticalScrollBar().installEventFilter(self) except AttributeError: # it is a QGraphicsScene scene = obj else: scene = obj.scene() # Avoid event filter duplication scene.removeEventFilter(self) scene.installEventFilter(self)
[docs] def unregister(self, obj): '''Unregister monitored objects. If the object passed as argument is not a registered object nothing happens. .. note:: this method never tries to unregister scene objects associated to the view passed as argument. ''' obj.removeEventFilter(self)

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