Source code for gsdview.gdalbackend.gdalsupport

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of GSDView.

### GSDView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### GSDView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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'''Support tools and classes for the GDAL library.'''

import os
import logging

import numpy as np

from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__date__ = '$Date$'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'



























[docs]def uniqueDatasetID(prod): # @TODO: use also gdal.Band.Checksum or similia d = prod.GetDriver() driver_name = d.GetDescription() logging.debug('driver_name = %s' % driver_name) if driver_name == 'SAR_CEOS': try: # 'CEOS_LOGICAL_VOLUME_ID' metadata = prod.GetMetadata() prod_id = '%s-%s' % (metadata['CEOS_SOFTWARE_ID'].strip(), metadata['CEOS_ACQUISITION_TIME'].strip()) except KeyError: prod_id = os.path.basename(prod.GetDescription()) elif driver_name == 'ESAT': metadata = prod.GetMetadata() prod_id = os.path.splitext(metadata['MPH_PRODUCT'])[0] #~ elif driver_name = 'GTiff': #~ # ERS BTIF #~ pass elif driver_name.startswith('HDF5') or driver_name.startswith('CSK'): prod_id = prod.GetDescription() parts = prod_id.split(':') if len(parts) == 4: filename = ':'.join(parts[1:3]) parts = (parts[0], filename, parts[2]) if len(parts) == 3: filename = os.path.basename(parts[1].strip('"')) h5path = parts[2].replace('//', '/') prod_id = filename + h5path.replace('/', '_') else: prod_id = os.path.basename(prod_id) elif driver_name == 'RS2': metadata = prod.GetMetadata() keys = ( 'SATELLITE_IDENTIFIER', # 'RADARSAT-2' 'SENSOR_IDENTIFIER', # 'SAR' 'PRODUCT_TYPE', # 'SGF' 'BEAM_MODE', # 'W2' 'ACQUISITION_START_TIME', # '2008-05-30T14:25:38.076608Z' ) parts = [metadata[key].strip() for key in keys] parts[-1] = parts[-1].replace(':', '_') prod_id = '-'.join(parts) else: prod_id = os.path.basename(prod.GetDescription()) logging.debug('prod_id = %s' % prod_id) return prod_id
[docs]def driverList(drivertype='raster'): '''Return the list of available GDAL/OGR drivers''' if not drivertype: types = ['gdal'] elif isinstance(drivertype, basestring): types = [drivertype] else: types = drivertype if not set(('raster', 'vector')).issuperset(types): raise ValueError('invalid type list: "%s"' % types) drivers = [] if 'raster' in types: drivers.extend(gdal.GetDriver(index) for index in range(gdal.GetDriverCount())) if 'vector' in types: # @TODO: check from osgeo import ogr drivers.extend(ogr.GetDriver(index) for index in range(ogr.GetDriverCount())) return drivers
[docs]def gdalFilters(mode='r'): '''Returns the list of GDAL file filters as expected by Qt.''' # @TODO: move to gdalqt4 filters = [] filters.append('All files (*)') for driver in driverList(): metadata = driver.GetMetadata() name = metadata['DMD_LONGNAME'] try: ext = metadata['DMD_EXTENSION'] if ext: if name.endswith(' (.%s)' % ext): name = name[0: -len(ext) - 4] if 'w' in mode: CREATECOPY = metadata.get(gdal.DCAP_CREATECOPY) CREATE = metadata.get(gdal.DCAP_CREATE) canwrite = bool((CREATECOPY == 'YES') or (CREATE == 'YES')) if not canwrite: continue filters.append('%s (*.%s)' % (name, ext)) except KeyError: pass return filters
[docs]def ogrFilters(): # mode='r'): '''Returns the list of OGR file filters as expected by Qt''' # @TODO: move to an OGR specific module (??) filters = [ 'All files (*)', 'ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp)', 'KML (*.kml, *.kmz)', 'Virtual Format (*.vrt)', 'Arc/Info Binary Coverage (*.???)', 'Arc/Info E00 (ASCII) Coverage (*.E00)', 'Atlas BNA (*.bna)', 'AutoCAD DXF (*.dfx)' 'Comma Separated Value (*.csv)', 'DODS/OPeNDAP (*.???)', 'ESRI Personal GeoDatabase (*.???)', 'ESRI ArcSDE (*.???)', 'FMEObjects Gateway (*.NTF)', 'GeoJSON (*.???)', 'GeoConcept text export (*.gxt, *.txt)', 'GeoRSS: Geographically Encoded Objects for RSS feeds (*,xml)', 'GML - Geography Markup Language (*.gml)', 'GMT ASCII Vectors (*.gmt)', 'GPSBabel (*.???)', 'GPX - GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)', 'GRASS (*.???)', 'GTM - GPS TrackMaker (*.gtm)', 'IDB (*.???)', 'INTERLIS (*.???)', 'INGRES (*.???)', 'MapInfo TAB and MIF/MID (*.MIF, *.MID)', 'Microstation DGN (*.???)', 'MySQL (*.???)', 'NAS - ALKIS (*.???)', 'Oracle Spatial (*.???)', 'ODBC RDBMS (*.???)', 'OGDI Vectors (*.???)', 'OpenAir Special Use Airspace Format (*.???)', 'PDS - Planetary Data Systems TABLE (*.???)', 'PostgreSQL SQL Dump (*.sql)', 'PostgreSQL (*.???)', 'IHO S-57 (ENC) (*.000)', 'SDTS (*.???)', 'SQLite RDBMS (*.???)', "SUA - Tim Newport-Peace's Special Use Airspace Format (*.SUA)", 'UK .NTF (*.NTF)', 'U.S. Census TIGER/Line (*.RT?)', 'VFK - Czech cadastral exchange data format (*.???)', 'X-Plane/Flightgear aeronautical data (*.dat)', ] return filters
[docs]def isRGB(dataset, strict=False): '''Return True if a dataset is compatible with RGB representaion. Conditions tested are: * 3 or 4 raster bands (3 in strict mode) * raster band datatype is GDT_Byte * color interpretation respect the expected order: band1: GCI_RedBand band2: GCI_GreenBand band3: GCI_BlueBand band4: GCI_AlphaBand (RGBA only allowed in non strict mode) GCI_Undefined color interpretation is allowed in non strict mode. ''' if not hasattr(dataset, 'RasterCount'): # It is not a GDAL dataset return False if dataset.RasterCount not in (3, 4): return False # @TODO: allow different color orders (??) bands = [dataset.GetRasterBand(b) for b in range(1, dataset.RasterCount + 1)] for band, colorint in zip(bands, (gdal.GCI_RedBand, gdal.GCI_GreenBand, gdal.GCI_BlueBand, gdal.GCI_AlphaBand)): if strict: allowed_colorints = (colorint, ) else: allowed_colorints = (colorint, gdal.GCI_Undefined) actual_colorint = band.GetRasterColorInterpretation() if not band and actual_colorint not in allowed_colorints: return False if band.DataType != gdal.GDT_Byte: return False if strict and dataset.dastetCount != 3: return False return True ### Statistics helpers ########################################################
SAFE_GDAL_STATS = (('1640' <= gdal.VersionInfo() < '1700') or (gdal.VersionInfo() > '1720')) GDAL_STATS_KEYS = ('STATISTICS_MINIMUM', 'STATISTICS_MAXIMUM', 'STATISTICS_MEAN', 'STATISTICS_STDDEV')
[docs]def GetCachedStatistics(band): '''Retrieve cached statistics from a raster band. GDAL usually stores pre-computed statistics in the raster band metadata: STATISTICS_MINIMUM, STATISTICS_MAXIMUM, STATISTICS_MEAN and STATISTICS_STDDEV. This function retrieves cached statistics and returns them as a four items tuple: (MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, MEAN, STDDEV). ''' metadata = band.GetMetadata() stats = [metadata.get(name) for name in GDAL_STATS_KEYS] # @TODO: remove. # It is no more needed if the numeric locale is correctly set. #if None not in stats: # stats = [float(item.replace(',', '.')) for item in stats] if None not in stats: stats = [float(item) for item in stats] return stats
[docs]def SafeGetStatistics(band, approx_ok=False, force=True): '''Safe replacement of gdal.Band.GetSrtatistics. The standard version of GetSrtatistics not always allows to know whenever statistics have beed actually computed or not (e.g. "force" flag set to False and no statistics available). This function gracefully handles this case an also cases in which an error happend during statistics computation (e.g. to many nodata values). :param band: GDAL raster band :param approx_ok: if approximate statistics are sufficient, the approx_ok flag can be set to True in which case overviews, or a subset of image tiles may be used in computing the statistics (default: False) :param force: if force is False results will only be returned if it can be done quickly (ie. without scanning the data). If force is False and results cannot be returned efficiently, the function will return four None instead of actual statistics values. Dafault: True. :returns: a tuple containing (min, max, mean, stddev) if statistics can be retriewed according to the input flags. A tuple of four None if statistics are not available or can't be computer according to input flags or if some error occurs during computation. ''' # @NOTE: the band.GetStatistics method called with the second argument # set to False (no image rescanning) has been fixed in # r19666_ (1.6 branch) and r19665_ (1.7 branch) # see `ticket #3572` on `GDAL Trac`_. # # .. _r19666: # .. _r19665: # .. _`ticket #3572`: # .. _`GDAL Trac`: stats = (None, None, None, None) if approx_ok and not SAFE_GDAL_STATS: stats = GetCachedStatistics(band) if None in stats: if not force and not SAFE_GDAL_STATS: raise ValueError('unable to retrieve statistics in a safe way.') gdal.ErrorReset() stats = band.GetStatistics(approx_ok, force) if (gdal.GetLastErrorNo() == 1) and (gdal.GetLastErrorType() == 3): stats = (None, None, None, None) gdal.ErrorReset() elif SAFE_GDAL_STATS and stats == [0, 0, 0, -1]: stats = (None, None, None, None) return stats
[docs]def hasFastStats(band, approx_ok=True): '''Return true if band statistics can be retrieved quickly. If precomputed stistics are in band metadata or small enough band overviews does exist then it is assumed that band statistics can be retriewed in a very quick way. if the *approx_ok* only precomputed statistics are taken into account. ''' if SAFE_GDAL_STATS: stats = band.GetStatistics(True, False) result = bool(stats != [0, 0, 0, -1]) else: stats = GetCachedStatistics(band) result = bool(None not in stats) if not result and approx_ok: try: ovrBestIndex(band, policy='GREATER') except MissingOvrError: pass else: result = True return result ### Color table helpers #####################################################
colorinterpretations = { gdal.GPI_Gray: { 'nchannels': 1, 'label': 'Gray', 'direct': { 'Grayscale': 0, }, 'inverse': { 0: 'Grayscale', }, }, gdal.GPI_RGB: { 'nchannels': 4, 'label': 'RGB', 'direct': { 'Red': 0, 'Green': 1, 'Blue': 2, 'Alpha': 3, }, 'inverse': { 0: 'Red', 1: 'Green', 2: 'Blue', 3: 'Alpha', }, }, gdal.GPI_CMYK: { 'nchannels': 4, 'label': 'CMYK', 'direct': { 'Cyan': 0, 'Magenta': 1, 'Yellow': 2, 'Black': 3, }, 'inverse': { 0: 'Cyan', 1: 'Magenta', 2: 'Yellow', 3: 'Black', }, }, gdal.GPI_HLS: { 'nchannels': 3, 'label': 'HLS', 'direct': { 'Hue': 0, 'Lightness': 1, 'Saturation': 2, }, 'inverse': { 0: 'Hue', 1: 'Lightness', 2: 'Saturation', }, }, }
[docs]def colortable2numpy(colortable): ncolors = colortable.GetCount() colors = np.zeros((ncolors, 4), np.uint8) for row in range(ncolors): colors[row] = colortable.GetColorEntry(row) colorint = colortable.GetPaletteInterpretation() nchannels = colorinterpretations[colorint]['nchannels'] return colors[..., 0:nchannels] ### Coordinate conversion helpers ############################################ # @TODO: remove # @NOTE: bugs #3160 and #3709 have been fixed upstream with commits r22289 # and r22290 (1.8 branch). The fix should be included in GDAL v1.8.1.
def _fixedGCPs(gcps): '''Fix Envisat GCPs For products with multiple slices the GCPLine coordinate refers to the one of the slice so we need to fix it in order to have the image coordinate. ''' lines = np.asarray([gcp.GCPLine for gcp in gcps]) # @TODO: this is a weak check; improve it if np.alltrue(lines != np.sort(lines)): # @WARNING: here we are assuming that the geolocation grid # has at least 2 lines # @WARNING: here we are assuming a particular order of GCPs upstepslocation = np.where(lines[1:] > lines[0:-1])[0] + 1 upsteps = lines[upstepslocation] - lines[upstepslocation - 1] # @WARNING: here we are assuming that the distance between geolocation # grid linse is constant assert upsteps.max() == upsteps[:-1].min(), ('max = %f, min = %f' % (upsteps.max(), upsteps.min())) linespacing = int(upsteps[0]) downstepslocation = np.where(lines[1:] < lines[0:-1])[0] + 1 for index in downstepslocation: jumpsize = int(lines[index - 1] - lines[index]) + linespacing lines[index:] += jumpsize import copy gcps = copy.deepcopy(gcps) for indx, gcp in enumerate(gcps): gcp.GCPLine = lines[indx] return gcps
[docs]class InvalidProjection(ValueError): pass
[docs]class CoordinateMapper(object): geogCS = 'WGS84' def __init__(self, dataset): super(CoordinateMapper, self).__init__() if dataset.GetGCPCount(): projection = dataset.GetGCPProjection() gcps = dataset.GetGCPs() gcps = _fixedGCPs(gcps) # @TODO: remove self._geotransform = gdal.GCPsToGeoTransform(gcps) else: projection = dataset.GetProjection() if not projection: projection = dataset.GetProjectionRef() self._geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform() if not projection: raise InvalidProjection('unable to get a valid projection') #sref = osr.SpatialReference(projection) # do not work for Pymod API sref = osr.SpatialReference() sref.ImportFromWkt(projection) if not sref.IsGeographic(): sref_target = osr.SpatialReference() sref_target.SetWellKnownGeogCS(self.geogCS) self._srTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sref, sref_target) else: self._srTransform = None # Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2) # Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5) # # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # | Xgeo | | m11 m12 | | Xpixel | | xoffset | # | | = | | * | | + | | # | Ygeo | | m21 m22 | | Yline | | yoffset | # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- xoffset, m11, m12, yoffset, m21, m22 = self._geotransform logging.debug('geotransform = %s' % str(self._geotransform)) # Direct transform M = np.array(((m11, m12), (m21, m22))) C = np.array(([xoffset], [yoffset])) self._direct_transform = (M, C) # Invrse transform M = np.linalg.inv(M) C =, C) self._inverse_transform = (M, C) def _transform(self, x, y, M, C): x = np.ravel(x) y = np.ravel(y) Pin = np.array((x, y)) return, Pin) + C
[docs] def imgToGeoPoints(self, pixel, line): '''Coordinate conversion: (pixel,line) --> (lon,lat).''' M, C = self._direct_transform xy = self._transform(pixel, line, M, C) if self._srTransform: for index, (x, y) in enumerate(xy.transpose()): xy[:, index] = self._srTransform.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] # @TODO: check single point return xy[0], xy[1] # , 0 # @TODO: h
[docs] def geoToImgPoints(self, lon, lat, h=0): '''Coordinate conversion: (lon,lat) --> (pixel,line).''' M, C = self._inverse_transform rc = self._transform(lon, lat, M, C) # @TODO: check single point return rc[0], rc[1]
[docs] def imgToGeoGrid(self, pixel, line): '''Coordinate conversion: (pixel,line) --> (lon,lat) on regular grids. Elements of the return (lon, lat) touple are 2D array with shape (len(pixels), len(line)). ''' # @TODO: check single point px, py = np.meshgrid(pixel, line) lon, lat = self.imgToGeoPoints(px, py) lon.shape = lat.shape = (len(pixel), len(line)) # @TODO: check return lon, lat # , 0 # @TODO: h
[docs] def geoToImgGrid(self, lon, lat): '''Coordinate conversion: (lon,lat) --> (pixel,line) on regular grids. Elements of the return (pixel,line) touple are 2D array with shape (len(lon), len(lat)). ''' # @TODO: check single point px, py = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) pixel, line = self.geoToImgPoints(px, py) pixel.shape = line.shape = (len(lon), len(lat)) # @TODO: check return line, pixel
[docs]def coordinate_mapper(dataset): try: mapper = CoordinateMapper(dataset) except ValueError: mapper = None else: # @TODO: check if mapper._geotransform == (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0): mapper = None if mapper is None: logging.debug('unable to setup the coordinate mapper') return mapper ### Overviews handling helpers ###############################################
OVRMEMSIE = 400 * 1024 # 400 kbytes
[docs]class MissingOvrError(Exception): def __init__(self, ovrlevel): super(MissingOvrError, self).__init__(ovrlevel) def __str__(self): return ('Overview with level "%s" is not available in the ' 'product' % self.args[0])
[docs]def ovrLevelAdjust(ovrlevel, xsize): '''Adjust the overview level Replicate the GDALOvLevelAdjust function from gdal/gcore/gdaldefaultoverviews.cpp: .. code-block:: c int nOXSize = (nXSize + nOvLevel - 1) / nOvLevel; return (int) (0.5 + nXSize / (double) nOXSize); ''' oxsize = int(xsize + ovrlevel - 1) // ovrlevel return int(round(xsize / float(oxsize)))
[docs]def ovrLevelForSize(gdalobj, ovrsize=OVRMEMSIE): '''Compute the overview factor that fits the ovrsize request. Default ovrsize = 300 KBytes ==> about 640x640 pixels paletted or 320x320 pixels RGB32. ''' if hasattr(gdalobj, 'GetOverviewCount'): # gdalobj is a raster band band = gdalobj #bytePerPixel = gdal.GetDataTypeSize(band.DataType) / 8 bytesperpixel = 1 # the quicklook image is always converted to byte datasize = band.XSize * band.YSize * bytesperpixel ovrlevel = np.sqrt(datasize / float(ovrsize)) ovrlevel = max(round(ovrlevel), 1) return ovrLevelAdjust(ovrlevel, band.XSize) else: # assume gdalobj is a dataset to be represented as an RGB32 dataset = gdalobj band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) return ovrLevelForSize(band, ovrsize / 4)
[docs]def ovrLevels(gdalobj, raw=False): '''Return availabe overview levels.''' if hasattr(gdalobj, 'GetOverviewCount'): # gdalobj is a raster band band = gdalobj levels = [] for index in range(band.GetOverviewCount()): ovrXSize = band.GetOverview(index).XSize ovrlevel = round(band.XSize / float(ovrXSize)) if not raw: ovrlevel = ovrLevelAdjust(ovrlevel, band.XSize) levels.append(ovrlevel) return levels else: # assume gdalobj is a dataset dataset = gdalobj band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) return ovrLevels(band, raw)
[docs]def ovrBestIndex(gdalobj, ovrlevel=None, policy='NEAREST'): '''Return the overview index that best fits *ovrlevel*. If *ovrlevel* is `None` it is used the level returner by the `ovrLevelForSize` function i.e. the lavel ensures that the data size doesn't exceede a certain memory size (defaut 300K). The *policy* parameter can be set to: :NEAREST: between available ovr factors the one closest to the requested one (*ovrlevel*) is returned :GREATER: between available ovr factors it is returned the closest one that is greater or equal to the requested *ovrlevel* :SMALLER: between available ovr factors it is returned the closest one that is smaller or equal to the requested *ovrlevel* .. note:: plase note that *GREATER* for overview level implies a larger reduction factor hence a smaller image (and vice versa). ''' if hasattr(gdalobj, 'GetOverviewCount'): # gdalobj is a raster band band = gdalobj if ovrlevel is None: ovrlevel = ovrLevelForSize(band) # 400K levels = np.asarray(ovrLevels(band)) if len(levels) == 0: raise MissingOvrError(ovrlevel) distances = levels - ovrlevel if policy.upper() == 'NEAREST': distances = abs(distances) mindist = distances.min() elif policy.upper() == 'GREATER': indices = np.where(distances >= 0)[0] if np.size(indices) == 0: raise MissingOvrError(ovrlevel) mindist = distances[indices].min() elif policy.upper() == 'SMALLER': indices = np.where(distances <= 0)[0] if np.size(indices) == 0: raise MissingOvrError(ovrlevel) mindist = distances[indices].max() else: raise ValueError('invalid policy: "%s"' % policy) distances = list(distances) return distances.index(mindist) else: # assume gdalobj is a dataset dataset = gdalobj band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) return ovrBestIndex(band, ovrlevel, policy)
[docs]def ovrComputeLevels(gdalobj, ovrsize=OVRMEMSIE, estep=3, threshold=0.1): '''Compute the overview levels to be generated. GSDView relies on overviews to provide a confortable image navigation experience (scroll, pan, zoom etc). This function evaluated the number and overview factors to be pre-calculated in order to provide such a confortable experience. :param ovrsize: memory size that the smallest overview should not exceede :param estep: step for overview levels computation:: estep = 3 ==> 3, 9, 27, 81, ... :param threshold: if already exist overview levels close (with respect to threshold) to requested ones then computation is skipped ''' maxfactor = ovrLevelForSize(gdalobj, ovrsize) if maxfactor == 1: return [] metadata = gdalobj.GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE') compressed = bool(metadata.get('COMPRESSION')) if compressed: startexponent = 0 else: startexponent = 1 maxesponent = np.ceil(maxfactor ** (1. / estep)) exponents = np.arange(startexponent, maxesponent + 1) missinglevels = estep ** exponents missinglevels = missinglevels.astype( # Remove exixtng levels to avoid re-computation levels = ovrLevels(gdalobj) missinglevels = sorted(set(missinglevels).difference(levels)) # remove levels close to target ones (threshold 10%) candidates = missinglevels missinglevels = [] for level in candidates: try: index = ovrBestIndex(gdalobj, level) except MissingOvrError: pass else: bestlevel = levels[index] if bestlevel and abs(bestlevel - level) / float(level) < threshold: continue missinglevels.append(level) return missinglevels
[docs]def ovrRead(dataset, x=0, y=0, w=None, h=None, ovrindex=None, bstart=1, bcount=None, dtype=None): '''Read an image block from overviews of all spacified bands. This function read a data block from the overview corresponding to *ovrindex* for all *bcount* raster bands starting drom the *bstart*\ th one. Parameters: dataset: GDAL dataset object the GDAL dataset to read from x, y: int origin of the box to read in overview coordinates w, h: int size of the box to read in overview coordinates ovrindex: int index of the overview to read from. If the overview index is `None` data are retrieved directly from the raster band instead of overviews. bstart: int raster band start index (default 1). bcount: int or None raster band count (defaut all starting from *bstart*) Returns: data: ndarray the array of data read with shape (h, w, bcount) ''' # @TODO: check RasterColorInterpretation if bcount is None: bcount = dataset.RasterCount assert bstart > 0 assert bstart - 1 + bcount <= dataset.RasterCount #data = np.zeros((h, w, dataset.RasterCount), np.ubyte) channels = [] for bandindex in range(bstart, bstart + bcount): band = dataset.GetRasterBand(bandindex) if ovrindex is not None: band = band.GetOverview(ovrindex) channels.append(band.ReadAsArray(x, y, w, h)) data = np.dstack(channels) if dtype and dtype != data.dtype: return np.astype(data) else: return data ### Misc helpers ##############################################################
[docs]def has_complex_bands(dataset): result = False for band_id in range(1, dataset.RasterCount + 1): band = dataset.GetRasterBand(band_id) result = gdal.DataTypeIsComplex(band.DataType) if result: break return result

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