Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of GSDView.

### GSDView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### GSDView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
### along with GSDView; if not, write to the Free Software
### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.

'''GUI front-end for the Geospatial Data Abstracton Library (GDAL).'''

import os
import sys
import logging

from qt import QtCore, QtGui

from exectools.qt4 import Qt4ToolController, Qt4DialogLoggingHandler

from . import info
from . import utils
from . import errors
from . import qt4support
from . import graphicsview
from . import mousemanager
from . import pluginmanager

from .mdi import ItemModelMainWindow
from .widgets import AboutDialog, PreferencesDialog
from .widgets import GSDViewExceptionDialog as ExceptionDialog

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__date__ = '$Date$'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'

__all__ = ['GSDView']

[docs]class GSDView(ItemModelMainWindow): # @TODO: # * cache browser, cache cleanup # * open internal product # * disable actions when the external tool is running # * /usr/share/doc/python-qt4-doc/examples/mainwindows/ '''Main window class for GSDView application.''' def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(0), **kwargs): logger = logging.getLogger('gsdview') logger.debug('Main window base classes initialization ...') QtGui.QApplication.setWindowIcon( qt4support.geticon('GSDView.png', __name__)) super(GSDView, self).__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) title ='GSDView Open Source Edition v. %s') % info.version self.setWindowTitle(title) self.setObjectName('gsdview-mainwin') # Dialogs logger.debug('Setting up file dialog ...') #: application global file dialog instance self.filedialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self) self.filedialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.ExistingFile) self.filedialog.setViewMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.Detail) logger.debug('Setting up the about dialog ...') #: application global about dialog instance self.aboutdialog = AboutDialog(self) logger.debug('Setting up the preferences dialog ...') #: prefernces dialog instance self.preferencesdialog = PreferencesDialog(self, apply=self.applySettings) # Stop button logger.debug('Setting up the stop button ...') qstyle = icon = qstyle.standardIcon(QtGui.QStyle.SP_BrowserStop) #: stop button for external tools self.stopbutton = QtGui.QPushButton(icon,'Stop'), self) self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self.stopbutton) self.stopbutton.hide() # Progressbar logger.debug('Setting up the progress bar ...') #: application progress bar self.progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self) self.progressbar.setTextVisible(True) self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self.progressbar) self.progressbar.hide() # Miscellanea logger.debug('Miscellanea setup ...') #: cache directory path self.cachedir = None # GraphicsViewMonitor and mouse manager logger.debug('Setting up "monitor" components ...') #: graphics scenes/views monitor self.monitor = graphicsview.GraphicsViewMonitor() #: mouse manager for graphics scenes/views self.mousemanager = mousemanager.MouseManager(self) self.mousemanager.mode = 'hand' # Plugin Manager #: backends list self.backends = [] #: plugin manager instance self.pluginmanager = pluginmanager.PluginManager(self, SYSPLUGINSDIR) self.preferencesdialog.addPage( pluginmanager.PluginManagerGui(self.pluginmanager, self), qt4support.geticon('plugin.svg', __name__), label='Plugins') # Settings if not os.path.isdir(USERCONFIGDIR): os.makedirs(USERCONFIGDIR) # @TODO: fix filename logger.debug('Read application settings ...') #self.settings = QtCore.QSettings('gsdview-soft', 'gsdview', self) #self.settings = QtCore.QSettings(QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat, # QtCore.QSettings.UserScope, # 'gsdview', 'gsdview', self) cfgfile = os.path.join(USERCONFIGDIR, 'gsdview.ini')'Configuration file: "%s".', cfgfile) #: application settings self.settings = QtCore.QSettings(cfgfile, QtCore.QSettings.IniFormat, self) # Setup the log system and the external tools controller logger.debug('Complete logging setup...') # @TODO: logevel could be set from command line #: application sandard logger self.logger = self.setupLogging() logger.debug('Setting up external tool controller ...') #: external tool controller self.controller = self.setupController(self.logger, self.statusBar(), self.progressbar) # Actions logger.debug('Setting up actions ...') #: actions associated to file menu self.fileActions = None #: settings actions self.settingsActions = None #: help actions self.helpActions = None self.setupActions() # File menu end toolbar self._addMenuFromActions(self.fileActions,'&File')) self._addToolBarFromActions(self.fileActions,'File toolbar')) # Image menu and toolbar self.imagemenu = self._addMenuFromActions(self.mousemanager.actions,'&Image')) self._addToolBarFromActions(self.mousemanager.actions,'Mouse toolbar')) # Tools menu self.toolsmenu = QtGui.QMenu('&Tools'), self) self.menuBar().addMenu(self.toolsmenu) self.toolsmenu.hide() # Setup plugins logger.debug('Setup plugins ...')) self.setupPlugins() # Settings menu end toolbar logger.debug('Settings menu setup ...')) menu = self._addMenuFromActions(self.settingsActions,'&Settings')) self._addToolBarFromActions(self.settingsActions,'Settings toolbar')) #: settings sub-menu self.settings_submenu = QtGui.QMenu('&View'), aboutToShow=self.updateSettingsMenu) menu.addSeparator() menu.addMenu(self.settings_submenu) logger.debug('Window menu setup ...')) self.menuBar().addMenu(self.windowmenu) # Help menu end toolbar logger.debug('Help menu setup ...') self._addMenuFromActions(self.helpActions,'&Help')) self._addToolBarFromActions(self.helpActions,'Help toolbar')) # @NOTE: the window state setup must happen after the plugins loading'Load settings ...') self.loadSettings() # @TODO: pass settings # @TODO: force the log level set from command line #self.logger.setLevel(level) self.treeview.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.treeview.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.itemContextMenu) self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') ### Model/View utils ######################################################
[docs] def currentGraphicsView(self): window = self.mdiarea.activeSubWindow() if window: widget = window.widget() if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QGraphicsView): return widget return None
[docs] def itemContextMenu(self, pos): modelindex = self.treeview.indexAt(pos) if not modelindex.isValid(): return # @TODO: check # @NOTE: set the current index so that action callback can retrieve # the cottect item self.treeview.setCurrentIndex(modelindex) item = self.datamodel.itemFromIndex(modelindex) backend = self.pluginmanager.plugins[item.backend] menu = backend.itemContextMenu(item) if menu: menu.exec_(self.treeview.mapToGlobal(pos)) ### Event handlers ########################################################
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.controller.stop_tool() # @TODO: whait for finished (??) # @TODO: save opened datasets (??) self.saveSettings() self.pluginmanager.save_settings(self.settings) self.closeAll() self.pluginmanager.reset()'Closing application') #event.accept() super(GSDView, self).closeEvent(event)
[docs] def changeEvent(self, event): try: if event.oldState() == QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState: # save window size and position self.settings.beginGroup('mainwindow') self.settings.setValue('position', self.pos()) self.settings.setValue('size', self.size()) self.settings.endGroup() event.accept() except AttributeError: pass ### Custom exception hook #################################################
[docs] def excepthook(self, exctype, excvalue, tracebackobj): '''Global function to catch unhandled exceptions. :param exctype: exception class :param excvalue: exception instance :param tracebackobj: traceback object ''' sys.__excepthook__(exctype, excvalue, tracebackobj) # No messages for keyboard interruts if not issubclass(exctype, Exception): #~ if issubclass(exctype, KeyboardInterrupt): msg = str(excvalue) if not msg: msg = excvalue.__class__.__name__ self.close() return # #TODO: check # Guard for avoiding multiple dialog opening if hasattr(self, '_busy'): return self._busy = True # @TODO: sometimes a RuntimeError is raised claiming that the # "underlying C/C++ object has been deleted". # Try to build the dialog without parent (self) and check # modality. dialog = ExceptionDialog(exctype, excvalue, tracebackobj, self) ret = dialog.exec_() if ret == QtGui.QDialog.Rejected: self.close() else: logging.warning('ignoring an unhandled exception may cause ' 'program malfunctions.') ### Setup helpers #########################################################
def _setupFileActions(self): # @TODO: add a "close all" (items) action actionsgroup = QtGui.QActionGroup(self) # Open icon = qt4support.geticon('open.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Open'), actionsgroup, objectName='openAction','Ctrl+O'),'Open an existing file'),'Open an existing file'), triggered=self.openFile) # Close icon = qt4support.geticon('close.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Close'), actionsgroup, objectName='closeAction', # 'Ctrl+W' shortcu is used for closing windows'Ctrl+W'),'Close the current file'),'Close the current file'), triggered=self.closeItem) # Separator QtGui.QAction(actionsgroup).setSeparator(True) # objectName='separator') # Exit icon = qt4support.geticon('quit.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Exit'), actionsgroup, objectName='exitAction','Ctrl+X'),'Exit the program'),'Exit the program'), triggered=self.close) return actionsgroup def _setupSettingsActions(self): actionsgroup = QtGui.QActionGroup(self) # Preferences icon = qt4support.geticon('preferences.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Preferences'), actionsgroup, objectName='preferencesAction','Open the program preferences dialog'),'Open the program preferences dialog'), triggered=self.showPreferencesDialog) icon = qt4support.geticon('full-screen.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Full Screen'), actionsgroup, objectName='fullScreenAction', shortcut='Ctrl+Meta+F','Toggle full screen mode'),'Toggle full screen mode'), triggered=self.toggleFullScreenMode) return actionsgroup def _setupHelpActions(self): actionsgroup = QtGui.QActionGroup(self) # About icon = qt4support.geticon('about.svg', __name__) QtGui.QAction(icon,'&About'), actionsgroup, objectName='aboutAction','Show program information'),'Show program information'), triggered=lambda: self.aboutdialog.exec_()) # AboutQt icon = QtGui.QIcon(':/trolltech/qmessagebox/images/qtlogo-64.png') QtGui.QAction(icon,'About &Qt'), actionsgroup, objectName='aboutQtAction','Show information about Qt'),'Show information about Qt'), triggered=lambda: QtGui.QMessageBox.aboutQt(self)) return actionsgroup
[docs] def setupActions(self): self.fileActions = self._setupFileActions() self.settingsActions = self._setupSettingsActions() self.helpActions = self._setupHelpActions() # @TODO: tree view actions: expand/collapse all, expand/collapse # subtree # @TODO: stop action
def _addMenuFromActions(self, actions, name): menu = qt4support.actionGroupToMenu(actions, name, self) self.menuBar().addMenu(menu) return menu def _addToolBarFromActions(self, actions, name): toolbar = qt4support.actionGroupToToolbar(actions, name) self.addToolBar(toolbar) # @COMPATIBILITY: pyside 1.0.1 # without the call to toolbar.parent() the toolbar is # not actually added assert toolbar.parent() return toolbar
[docs] def setupPlugins(self): # load backends # @WARNING: (pychecker) Function (__import__) doesn't support **kwArgs module = __import__('gsdview.gdalbackend', fromlist=['gsdview']) self.pluginmanager.load_module(module, 'gdalbackend') # load settings self.pluginmanager.load_settings(self.settings) # save initial state self.pluginmanager.save_settings(self.settings)
[docs] def setupLogging(self): logger = logging.getLogger('gsdview') # 'gsdview' # @TODO: fix # move this to fmt = ('%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s %(filename)s line %(lineno)d in ' '%(funcName)s: %(message)s') formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) logfile = os.path.join(USERCONFIGDIR, 'gsdview.log') handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile, 'w') handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') handler = Qt4DialogLoggingHandler(parent=self, dialog=None) handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) # set log level # @WARNING: duplicate loadSettings level = self.settings.value('preferences/loglevel', 'INFO') levelno = logging.getLevelName(str(level)) if isinstance(levelno, int): logger.setLevel(levelno)'"%s" loglevel set' % level) else: logging.debug('invalid log level: "%s"' % level) return logger
[docs] def setupController(self, logger, statusbar, progressbar): controller = Qt4ToolController(logger, parent=self) controller.subprocess.started.connect(self.processingStarted) controller.finished.connect(self.processingDone) self.stopbutton.clicked.connect(controller.stop_tool) return controller ### Settings ##############################################################
def _restoreWindowState(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.settings settings.beginGroup('mainwindow') try: position = settings.value('position') if position is not None: self.move(position) size = settings.value('size') if size is not None: self.resize(size) else: # default size self.resize(800, 600) try: winstate = settings.value('winstate', QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState) if winstate and winstate != QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState: # @COMPATIBILITY: presumably a bug in PyQt4 4.7.2 # @TODO: check winstate = qt4support.intToWinState[winstate] self.setWindowState(winstate) except KeyError: logging.debug('unable to restore the window state', exc_info=True) # State of toolbars ad docks state = settings.value('state') if state is not None: self.restoreState(state) finally: settings.endGroup() def _restoreFileDialogState(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.settings settings.beginGroup('filedialog') try: # state state = settings.value('state') if state is not None: try: # QFileDialog.restoreState is new in Qt 4.3 self.filedialog.restoreState(state) except AttributeError: logging.debug('unable to save the file dialog state') # workdir workdir = settings.value('workdir', utils.default_workdir()) workdir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(workdir)) self.filedialog.setDirectory(workdir) # history #history = settings.value('history') #if history: # self.filedialog.setHistory(history) # sidebar urls try: # QFileDialog.setSidebarUrls is new in Qt 4.3 sidebarurls = settings.value('sidebarurls') if sidebarurls: sidebarurls = [QtCore.QUrl(item) for item in sidebarurls] self.filedialog.setSidebarUrls(sidebarurls) except AttributeError: logging.debug('unable to restore sidebar URLs of the file ' 'dialog') finally: settings.endGroup()
[docs] def loadSettings(self, settings=None): # @TODO: split app saveSettings frlm plugins one if settings is None: settings = self.settings # general self._restoreWindowState(settings) self._restoreFileDialogState(settings) settings.beginGroup('preferences') try: # log level level = settings.value('loglevel', 'INFO') levelno = logging.getLevelName(level) if isinstance(levelno, int): self.logger.setLevel(levelno) self.logger.debug('"%s" loglevel set' % level) else: logging.debug('invalid log level: "%s"' % level) default = os.path.join(USERCONFIGDIR, 'cache') cachedir = settings.value('cachedir', default) self.cachedir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(cachedir)) finally: settings.endGroup() # cache # @TODO # plugins for plugin in self.pluginmanager.plugins.itervalues(): plugin.loadSettings(settings)
def _saveWindowState(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.settings settings.beginGroup('mainwindow') try: settings.setValue('winstate', self.windowState()) if self.windowState() == QtCore.Qt.WindowNoState: settings.setValue('position', self.pos()) settings.setValue('size', self.size()) settings.setValue('state', self.saveState()) finally: settings.endGroup() def _saveFileDialogState(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.settings settings.beginGroup('filedialog') try: # state try: # QFileDialog.saveState is new in Qt 4.3 settings.setValue('state', self.filedialog.saveState()) except AttributeError: logging.debug('unable to save the file dialog state') # workdir # @NOTE: uncomment to preserve the session value #workdir = settings.setValue('workdir', # # history #settings.setValue('history', self.filedialog.history()) # sidebar urls try: # QFileDialog.sidebarUrls is new in Qt 4.3 sidebarurls = self.filedialog.sidebarUrls() if sidebarurls: settings.setValue('sidebarurls', sidebarurls) except AttributeError: logging.debug('unable to save sidebar URLs of the file dialog') finally: settings.endGroup()
[docs] def saveSettings(self, settings=None): if settings is None: settings = self.settings # general self._saveWindowState(settings) self._saveFileDialogState(settings) settings.beginGroup('preferences') try: level = logging.getLevelName(self.logger.level) settings.setValue('loglevel', level) # only changed via preferences #settings.setValue('cachedir', self.cachedir) finally: settings.endGroup() # @NOTE: cache preferences are only modified via preferences dialog for plugin in self.pluginmanager.plugins.itervalues(): #logging.debug('save %s plugin preferences' % plugin.saveSettings(settings)
[docs] def toggleFullScreenMode(self): self.setWindowState(self.windowState() ^ QtCore.Qt.WindowFullScreen)
[docs] def updateSettingsMenu(self): # @TODO: rewrite; it should not be needed to copy the menu into a # new one self.settings_submenu.clear() menu = self.createPopupMenu() for action in menu.actions(): if'toolbar') in action.text(): self.settings_submenu.addAction(action) self.settings_submenu.addSeparator() for action in menu.actions(): if'toolbar') not in action.text(): self.settings_submenu.addAction(action)
[docs] def applySettings(self): self.loadSettings()
[docs] def showPreferencesDialog(self): # @TODO: complete self.saveSettings() self.preferencesdialog.load(self.settings) if self.preferencesdialog.exec_(): self.applySettings() ### File actions ##########################################################
[docs] def openFile(self): # @TODO: remove; this is a temporary workaround for a Qt bug in # Cocoa version self.filedialog.selectNameFilter(self.filedialog.selectedNameFilter()) # @TODO: allow multiple file selection if self.filedialog.exec_(): filename = str(self.filedialog.selectedFiles()[0]) if filename: for backendname in self.backends: backend = self.pluginmanager.plugins[backendname] try: item = backend.openFile(filename) if item: self.datamodel.appendRow(item) self.treeview.expand(item.index()) self.logger.debug('File "%s" opened with backend ' '"%s"' % (filename, backendname)) else:'file %s" already open' % filename) break except errors.OpenError: #self.logger.exception('exception caught') self.logger.debug('Backend "%s" failed to open file ' '"%s"' % (backendname, filename)) else: self.logger.error('Unable to open file "%s"' % filename)
[docs] def closeItem(self): # @TODO: extend for multiple datasets #~ self.closeGdalDataset.emit() item = self.currentItem() if item: # find the toplevel item while item.parent(): item = item.parent() try: #~ backend = self.pluginmanager.plugins[item.backend] #~ backend.closeFile(item) item.close() except AttributeError: self.datamodel.invisibleRootItem().removeRow(item.row()) self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready.')
[docs] def closeAll(self): root = self.datamodel.invisibleRootItem() while root.hasChildren(): item = root.child(0) try: #~ backend = self.pluginmanager.plugins[item.backend] #~ backend.closeFile(item) item.close() except AttributeError: root.removeRow(item.row()) ### Auxiliary methods ####################################################
@QtCore.Slot() @QtCore.Slot(str)
[docs] def processingStarted(self, msg=None): if msg: self.statusBar().showMessage(msg) self.stopbutton.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def updateProgressBar(self, fract): self.progressbar.setValue(int(100. * fract))
[docs] def processingDone(self, returncode=0): #self.controller.reset() # @TODO: remove try: if returncode != 0: msg = ('An error occurred during the quicklook generation.\n' 'Now close the dataset.') QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, '', msg) self.closeItem() # @TODO: check finally: self.progressbar.hide() self.stopbutton.setEnabled(False) self.stopbutton.hide() self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready.')

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