Source code for exectools.qt4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of exectools.

### This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
### along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.

'''Tools for running external processes in a Qt4 GUI.'''

import time
import logging

    from qt import QtCore, QtGui
except ImportError:
    # Select the PyQt API 2
    import sip
    sip.setapi('QDate',       2)
    sip.setapi('QDateTime',   2)
    sip.setapi('QString',     2)
    sip.setapi('QTextStream', 2)
    sip.setapi('QTime',       2)
    sip.setapi('QUrl',        2)
    sip.setapi('QVariant',    2)

    from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
    QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal
    QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot

from exectools import BaseOutputHandler, BaseToolController, EX_OK, level2tag

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'
__date__ = '$Date$'

__all__ = ['Qt4Blinker', 'Qt4OutputPlane', 'Qt4OutputHandler',
           'Qt4LoggingHandler', 'Qt4DialogLoggingHandler', 'Qt4ToolController']

[docs]class Qt4Blinker(QtGui.QLabel): '''Qt4 linker. :SLOTS: * :meth:`pulse` ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(0), **kwargs): super(Qt4Blinker, self).__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) #qstyle = #pixmap = qstyle.standardPixmap(QtGui.QStyle.SP_MediaStop) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap( ':/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/standardbutton-no-32.png') self.setPixmap(pixmap) @QtCore.Slot()
[docs] def pulse(self): '''A blinker pulse. :C++ signature: `void pulse()` ''' sensitive = self.isEnabled() sensitive = not sensitive self.setEnabled(sensitive)
[docs] def flush(self): #QtGui.qApp.processEvents() # @TODO: check pass
[docs] def reset(self): '''Reset the blinker.''' self.setEnabled(True)
[docs]class Qt4OutputPlane(QtGui.QTextEdit): #: SIGNAL: emits a hide request. #: #: :C++ signature: `void planeHideRequest()` planeHideRequest = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): super(Qt4OutputPlane, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self._setupActions() self.banner = None def _setupActions(self): qstype = # Setup actions self.actions = QtGui.QActionGroup(self) # Save As icon = qstype.standardIcon(QtGui.QStyle.SP_DialogSaveButton) self.actionSaveAs = QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Save As'), self,'Ctrl+S'), 'Save text to file'), self.actions.addAction(self.actionSaveAs) # Clear icon = QtGui.QIcon(':/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/' 'standardbutton-clear-32.png') self.actionClear = QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Clear'), self,'Shift+F5'),'Clear the text'), triggered=self.clear) self.actions.addAction(self.actionClear) # Close icon = qstype.standardIcon(QtGui.QStyle.SP_DialogCloseButton) self.actionHide = QtGui.QAction(icon,'&Hide'), self,'Ctrl+W'), 'Hide the text plane'), triggered=self.planeHideRequest) self.actions.addAction(self.actionHide)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QtGui.QTextEdit.createStandardContextMenu(self) menu.addSeparator() menu.addActions(self.actions.actions()) menu.exec_(event.globalPos())
def _report(self): if callable(self.banner): header = self.banner() elif self.banner is not None: header = self.banner else: header = '# Output log generated on %s' % time.asctime() text = self.toPlainText() return '%s\n\n%s' % (header, text) # def clear(self): # it is a standard QtGui.QTextEdit method
[docs] def save(self): '''Save a file.''' filter_ ='Text files (*.txt)') filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter(self, '', '', filter_) if filename: text = self._report() logfile = open(filename, 'w') logfile.write(text) logfile.close()
[docs]class Qt4OutputHandler(QtCore.QObject, BaseOutputHandler): '''Qt4 Output Handler. :SIGNALS: * :attr:`pulse` * :attr:`percentageChanged` ''' _statusbar_timeout = 2000 # ms #: SIGNAL: it is emitted to signal some kind of activity of the external #: process #: #: :param str text: #: an optional text describing the kind activity of the external #: process #: #: :C++ signature: `void pulse(QString)` pulse = QtCore.Signal([], [str]) #: SIGNAL: it is emitted when the progress percentage changes #: #: :param float percentage: #: the new completion percentage [0, 100] #: #: :C++ signature: `void percentageChanged(float)` percentageChanged = QtCore.Signal([int], []) def __init__(self, logger=None, statusbar=None, progressbar=None, blinker=None, parent=None, **kwargs): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) BaseOutputHandler.__init__(self, logger) self.statusbar = statusbar if self.statusbar: if blinker is None: blinker = Qt4Blinker() statusbar.addPermanentWidget(blinker) blinker.hide() self.pulse.connect( self.pulse.connect(blinker.pulse) self.pulse[str].connect(lambda text: statusbar.showMessage(text, self._statusbar_timeout)) if progressbar is None: progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self.statusbar) progressbar.setTextVisible(True) statusbar.addPermanentWidget(progressbar) # , 1) # stretch=1 progressbar.hide() self.progressbar = progressbar #self.percentageChanged[()].connect( self.percentageChanged.connect( self.percentageChanged.connect(progressbar.setValue) self.progressbar = progressbar self.blinker = blinker
[docs] def feed(self, data): '''Feed some data to the parser. It is processed insofar as it consists of complete elements; incomplete data is buffered until more data is fed or close() is called. ''' if self.blinker: super(Qt4OutputHandler, self).feed(data)
[docs] def close(self): '''Reset the instance.''' if self.statusbar: self.statusbar.clearMessage() super(Qt4OutputHandler, self).close()
[docs] def reset(self): '''Reset the handler instance. Loses all unprocessed data. This is called implicitly at instantiation time. ''' super(Qt4OutputHandler, self).reset() if self.progressbar: self.progressbar.setRange(0, 100) self.progressbar.reset() self.progressbar.hide() if self.blinker: self.blinker.reset() self.blinker.hide()
[docs] def handle_progress(self, data): '''Handle progress data. :param data: a list containing an item for each named group in the "progress" regular expression: (pulse, percentage, text) for the default implementation. Each item can be None. ''' #pulse = data.get('pulse') percentage = data.get('percentage') text = data.get('text') self.pulse.emit() if text: self.pulse[str].emit(text) if percentage is not None: self.percentageChanged.emit(int(percentage))
[docs]class Qt4LoggingHandler(logging.Handler): '''Custom handler for logging on Qt4 textviews.''' def __init__(self, textview): logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.textview = textview self._formats = self._setupFormats() def _setupFormats(self): '''Setup a different format for the different message types.''' fmap = {} fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setForeground(QtGui.QColor('red')) fmap['error'] = fmt fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setForeground(QtGui.QColor('orange')) fmap['warning'] = fmt fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setForeground(QtGui.QColor('blue')) fmap['info'] = fmt fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setForeground(QtGui.QColor('gray')) fmap['debug'] = fmt fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() fmt.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) fmap['cmd'] = fmt return fmap def _flush(self): QtGui.qApp.processEvents() def _write(self, data, format_=None): '''Write data on the textview.''' if isinstance(format_, basestring): format_ = self._formats.get(format_, '') if data and not data.endswith('\n'): data += '\n' if format_: oldFormat = self.textview.currentCharFormat() self.textview.setCurrentCharFormat(format_) self.textview.insertPlainText(data) self.textview.setCurrentCharFormat(oldFormat) else: self.textview.insertPlainText(data) self.textview.ensureCursorVisible()
[docs] def emit(self, record): try: msg = self.format(record) tag = getattr(record, 'tag', level2tag(record.levelno)) self._write('%s' % msg, tag) # @TODO: check #self._flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record)
[docs]class Qt4DialogLoggingHandler(logging.Handler): '''Qt4 handler for the logging dialog.''' levelsmap = { logging.CRITICAL: QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical, # FATAL = CRITICAL logging.ERROR: QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical, logging.WARNING: QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, # WARN = WARNING logging.INFO: QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, logging.DEBUG: QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, logging.NOTSET: QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, } def __init__(self, dialog=None, parent=None): logging.Handler.__init__(self) if dialog is None: # @TODO: check #~ if parent is None: #~ parent = QtGui.qApp.mainWidget() dialog = QtGui.QMessageBox(parent) dialog.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Close) # @TODO: set dialog title dialog.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.AutoText) self.dialog = dialog self.formatter = None
[docs] def emit(self, record): try: if self.dialog.isVisible(): raise RuntimeError('trying to show again a dialog that is ' 'already visible.') msgtype = self.levelsmap[record.levelno] self.dialog.setIcon(msgtype) level = logging.getLevelName(record.levelno) level = level.upper() self.dialog.setWindowTitle(level) msg = ['<h1>%s</h1>' % level] if record.exc_info: msg.append('<p><b>%s<b></p><br>' % record.getMessage().capitalize()) # @TODO: background-color="white" msg.append('<pre>%s</pre>' % self.format(record)) else: msg.append('<p>%s</p>' % self.format(record).capitalize()) msg = '\n'.join(msg) self.dialog.setText(msg) self.dialog.exec_() self.dialog.hide() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record)
[docs]class Qt4ToolController(QtCore.QObject, BaseToolController): '''Qt4 tool controller. :SIGNALS: * :attr:`finished` :SLOTS: * :meth:`stop_tool` * :meth:`finalize_run` * :meth:`handle_stdout` * :meth:`handle_stderr` * :meth:`handle_error` ''' _delay_after_stop = 200 # ms #: SIGNAL: it is emitted when the processing is finished. #: #: :param int exitcode: #: the external proces exit code #: #: :C++ signature: `void finished(int exitCode)` finished = QtCore.Signal(int) def __init__(self, logger=None, parent=None, **kwargs): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) BaseToolController.__init__(self, logger) self.subprocess = QtCore.QProcess(parent) self.subprocess.setProcessChannelMode(QtCore.QProcess.MergedChannels) # connect process handlers and I/O handlers self.subprocess.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.handle_stdout) self.subprocess.readyReadStandardError.connect(self.handle_stderr) self.subprocess.error.connect(self.handle_error) self.subprocess.finished.connect(self.finalize_run) @property
[docs] def isbusy(self): '''If True then the controller is already running a subprocess.''' return self.subprocess.state() != self.subprocess.NotRunning
@QtCore.Slot(int, QtCore.QProcess.ExitStatus)
[docs] def finalize_run(self, exitCode=None, exitStatus=None): '''Perform finalization actions. This method is called when the controlled process terminates to perform finalization actions like: * read and handle residual data in buffers, * flush and close output handlers, * close subprocess file descriptors * run the "finalize_run_hook" method * reset the controller instance If one just needs to perfor some additional finalization action it should be better to use a custom "finalize_run_hook" instead of overriging "finalize_run". :C++ signature: `finalize_run(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)` ''' if not self._tool: return out_encoding = self._tool.output_encoding try: # retrieve residual data # @TODO: check if it is actually needed if self._tool.stdout_handler: byteArray = self.subprocess.readAllStandardOutput() data = self._tool.stdout_handler.feed(data) if self._tool.stderr_handler: byteArray = self.subprocess.readAllStandardError() data = self._tool.stderr_handler.feed(data) # close the pipe and wait for the subprocess termination self.subprocess.close() if self._tool.stdout_handler: self._tool.stdout_handler.close() if self._tool.stderr_handler: self._tool.stderr_handler.close() if self._userstop:'Execution stopped by the user.') elif exitCode != EX_OK: msg = ('Process (PID=%d) exited with return code %d.' % (, self.subprocess.exitCode())) self.logger.warning(msg) # Call finalize hook if available self.finalize_run_hook() finally: # @TODO: check # Protect for unexpected errors in the feed and close methods of # the stdout_handler self._reset() self.finished.emit(exitCode)
def _reset(self): '''Internal reset.''' if self.subprocess.state() != self.subprocess.NotRunning: self._stop(force=True) self.subprocess.waitForFinished() stopped = self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning if not stopped: self.logger.warning('reset running process (PID=%d)' % assert self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning, \ 'the process is still running' self.subprocess.setProcessState(self.subprocess.NotRunning) # @TODO: check self.subprocess.closeReadChannel(QtCore.QProcess.StandardOutput) self.subprocess.closeReadChannel(QtCore.QProcess.StandardError) self.subprocess.closeWriteChannel() super(Qt4ToolController, self)._reset() self.subprocess.close() @QtCore.Slot()
[docs] def handle_stdout(self): '''Handle standard output. :C++ signature: `void handle_stdout()` ''' byteArray = self.subprocess.readAllStandardOutput() if not byteArray.isEmpty(): data = self._tool.stdout_handler.feed(data)
[docs] def handle_stderr(self): '''Handle standard error. :C++ signature: `void handle_stderr()` ''' byteArray = self.subprocess.readAllStandardError() if not byteArray.isEmpty(): data = self._tool.stderr_handler.feed(data)
[docs] def handle_error(self, error): '''Handle a error in process execution. Can be handle different types of errors: * starting failed * crashing after starts successfully * timeout elapsed * write error * read error * unknow error :C++ signature: `void handle_error(QProcess::ProcessError)` ''' msg = '' level = logging.DEBUG if self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning: logging.debug('NotRunning') exit_code = self.subprocess.exitCode() else: exit_code = 0 if error == QtCore.QProcess.FailedToStart: msg = ('The process failed to start. Either the invoked program ' 'is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to ' 'invoke the program.') level = logging.ERROR # @TODO: check #self._reset() elif error == QtCore.QProcess.Crashed: if not self._userstop and self.subprocess.exitCode() == EX_OK: msg = ('The process crashed some time after starting ' 'successfully.') level = logging.ERROR elif error == QtCore.QProcess.Timedout: msg = ('The last waitFor...() function timed out. The state of ' 'QProcess is unchanged, and you can try calling ' 'waitFor...() again.') level = logging.DEBUG elif error == QtCore.QProcess.WriteError: msg = ('An error occurred when attempting to write to the process.' ' For example, the process may not be running, or it may ' 'have closed its input channel.') #level = logging.ERROR # @TODO: check elif error == QtCore.QProcess.ReadError: msg = ('An error occurred when attempting to read from the ' 'process. For example, the process may not be running.') #level = logging.ERROR # @TODO: check elif error == QtCore.QProcess.UnknownError: msg = ('An unknown error occurred. This is the default return ' 'value of error().') #level = logging.ERROR # @TODO: check if msg: self.logger.log(level, msg) self.finished.emit(exit_code) #QtCore.Slot() # @TODO: check how to handle varargs
[docs] def run_tool(self, tool, *args, **kwargs): '''Run an external tool in controlled way. The output of the child process is handled by the controller and, optionally, notifications can be achieved at sub-process termination. ''' assert self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning self.reset() self._tool = tool if self._tool.stdout_handler: self._tool.stdout_handler.reset() if self._tool.stderr_handler: self._tool.stderr_handler.reset() cmd = self._tool.cmdline(*args, **kwargs) self.prerun_hook(cmd) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) if self._tool.env: qenv = ['%s=%s' % (key, val) for key, val in self._tool.env.iteritems()] self.subprocess.setEnvironment(qenv) if self._tool.cwd: self.subprocess.setWorkingDirectory(self._tool.cwd) self.logger.debug('"shell" flag set to %s.' % self.logger.debug('Starting: %s' % cmd) self.subprocess.start(cmd) self.subprocess.closeWriteChannel()
def _stop(self, force=True): if self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning: return self.subprocess.terminate() self.subprocess.waitForFinished(self._delay_after_stop) stopped = self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning if not stopped and force:'Force process termination (PID=%d).' % self.subprocess.kill() @QtCore.Slot() @QtCore.Slot(bool)
[docs] def stop_tool(self, force=True): '''Stop the execution of controlled subprocess. When this method is invoked the controller instance is always reset even if the controller is unable to stop the subprocess. When possible the controller try to kill the subprocess in a polite way. If this fails it also tryes brute killing by default (force=True). This behaviour can be controlled using the `force` parameter. :C++ signature: `void stop_tool(bool)` ''' if self._userstop: return if self.subprocess.state() != self.subprocess.NotRunning: self.logger.debug('Execution stopped by the user.') self._userstop = True self._stop(force) self.subprocess.waitForFinished() stopped = self.subprocess.state() == self.subprocess.NotRunning if not stopped: msg = ('Unable to stop the sub-process (PID=%d).' % self.logger.warning(msg)

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