Source code for exectools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

### Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Antonio Valentino <>

### This file is part of exectools.

### This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
### (at your option) any later version.

### This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.

### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
### along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
### Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.

'''Tools for running external processes.'''

import re
import os
import sys
import logging
from io import StringIO

__author__ = 'Antonio Valentino <>'
__revision__ = '$Revision$'
__date__ = '$Date$'
__version__ = (0, 7, 0)

__all__ = ['EX_OK', 'PROGRESS', 'TAGS', 'level2tag',
           'BaseOutputHandler', 'BaseToolController', 'ToolDescriptor']

version = '.'.join(map(str, __version__)) + '.dev'

if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
    EX_OK = 0
    EX_OK = os.EX_OK

TAGS = ['error', 'warning', 'info', 'progress', 'debug', 'cmd']

    logging.CRITICAL: 'error',
    logging.ERROR: 'error',
    logging.WARNING: 'warning',
    logging.INFO: 'info',
    PROGRESS: 'progress',
    logging.DEBUG: 'debug',
    logging.NOTSET: '',

[docs]def level2tag(level): # @TODO: intermediate levels return _LEVEL2TAG.get(level, '')
[docs]class BaseOutputHandler(object): '''Base class for output handlers''' def __init__(self, logger=None): super(BaseOutputHandler, self).__init__() self._buffer = StringIO() self._wpos = self._buffer.tell() if logger is None or isinstance(logger, basestring): self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger) else: # @TODO: remove assertion assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger) self.logger = logger self.percentage_fmt = '%5.1f %%' self.handlers = ['progress', 'line'] # NOTE: pulse, percentage and text are all optional. The regexp # consumes the '\r' character in any case. pattern = ('[ \t]*' '\r+' '[ \t]*' '(?P<pulse>[\\\|/-])?' '[ \t]*' '((?P<percentage>\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)[ \t]*%)?' '[ \t]*' '((?P<text>.*?)(?=\r|\n))') self._progress_pattern = re.compile(pattern) self._text_patterns = { 'error': re.compile('error', re.IGNORECASE), 'warning': re.compile('warning', re.IGNORECASE), }
[docs] def reset(self): '''Reset the handler instance. Loses all unprocessed data. This is called implicitly at instantiation time. ''' self._buffer.close() self._buffer = StringIO() self._wpos = self._buffer.tell()
[docs] def close(self): '''Force processing of all buffered data and reset the instance''' self._parse() data = if data: if not data.endswith('\n'): data += '\n' self.handle_line(data) self.reset()
[docs] def feed(self, data): '''Feed some data to the parser. It is processed insofar as it consists of complete elements; incomplete data is buffered until more data is fed or close() is called. ''' rpos = self._buffer.tell() self._buffer.write(data) self._wpos = self._buffer.tell() self._parse()
[docs] def get_progress(self): '''Search and decode progress patterns''' pos = self._buffer.tell() data = match = self._progress_pattern.match(data) if match: result = { 'pulse':'pulse'), 'percentage':'percentage'), 'text':'text'), 'rawdata': data, } else: result = None if result: + match.end()) else: return None if result['percentage'] is not None: result['percentage'] = float(result['percentage']) return result
[docs] def get_line(self): '''Extract complete lines''' pos = self._buffer.tell() data = self._buffer.readline() if data and (data[-1] == '\n'): return data[:-1] # remove '\n' return None
def _parse(self): while True: for name in self.handlers: data = getattr(self, 'get_' + name)() if data not in (None, ''): getattr(self, 'handle_' + name)(data) break else: # no pattern matches break
[docs] def handle_progress(self, data): '''Handle progress data. This method is not meant to be called by the user. The user, anyway, can provide a custom implementation in derived classes. :param data: a list containing an item for each named group in the "progress" regular expression: (pulse, percentage, text) for the default implementation. Each item can be None. ''' pulse = data.get('pulse') percentage = data.get('percentage') text = data.get('text') result = [] if pulse: result.append(pulse) if percentage is not None: result.append(self.percentage_fmt % percentage) if text: result.append(text) extra = { 'tag': 'progress', 'pulse': pulse, 'percentage': percentage, 'text': text, } self.logger.log(PROGRESS, ' '.join(result), extra=extra)
[docs] def handle_line(self, data): '''Handle output lines. This method is not meant to be directly called by the user. The user, anyway, can provide a custom implementation in derived classes. :param data: an entire output line (including the trailing "end of line" character. ''' for tag_name, pattern in self._text_patterns.iteritems(): match = if match:, extra={'tag': tag_name}) break else:
[docs]class ToolDescriptor(object): '''Command line tool desctiptor. A :class:`ToolDescriptor` instance describes a command line tool (:attr:`executable`), how to run it (:attr:`args`, :attr:`cwd`, :attr:`env`) and how to handle its output (:attr:`stdout_handler`, :attr:`stderr_handler`). Example:: handler = BaseOutputHandler() ll = ToolDescriptor(executable='ls', args=['-l'], stdout_handler=handler) controller.run_tool(ll) # In this case no executabe is set in the descriptor. cmd = ToolDescriptor(stdout_handler=handler) # The executable name is passed at execution time (first argument) controller.run_tool(cmd, 'ls', '-l') ''' def __init__(self, executable, args=None, cwd=None, env=None, stdout_handler=None, stderr_handler=None, output_encoding=None): ''' :param executable: full path of the tool executable or just the tool program name if it is in the system search path :param args: default args for command (list of strings) :type args: list :param cwd: program working directory :param env: environment dictionary :param envmerge: if set to True (default) it is the :attr:`env` dictionaty is used to update the system environment :param stdout_handler: *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool :param stderr_handler: *OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool :param output_encoding: output encoding, it is used to decode the subprocess ouput .. seealso:: :class:`BaseOutputHandler` ''' super(ToolDescriptor, self).__init__() #: full path of the tool executable or just the tool program name # if it is in the system search path self.executable = executable #: default args for command self.args = args #: program working directory self.cwd = cwd #: if set to True (default) then the :attr:`env` dictionaty is used #: to update the system environment self.envmerge = True self._env = env #: is set to true the external too is executed in a system shell #: #: .. warning:: some implementation don't allow to stop a subprocess #: executed via shell = False #: the *OutputHandler* for the stdout of the tool #: #: .. seealso:: :class:`BaseOutputHandler` self.stdout_handler = stdout_handler #: the *OutputHandler* for the stderr of the tool self.stderr_handler = stderr_handler if output_encoding is None: output_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() if output_encoding == 'ascii': output_encoding = 'utf-8' #: output encoding, it is used to decode the subprocess ouput self.output_encoding = output_encoding def _getenv(self): if self.envmerge: env = os.environ.copy() if self._env: env.update(self._env) return env else: return self._env def _setenv(self, env): self._env = env env = property(_getenv, _setenv, doc='the tool environment') ## @COMPATIBILITY: property.setter nedds Python >= 2.6 #@property #def env(self): # if self.envmerge: # env = os.environ.copy() # if self._env: # env.update(self._env) # return env # else: # return self._env # #@env.setter #def env(self, env): # self._env = env
[docs] def cmdline(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Generate the complete command-line for the tool. This method is meant to be used together with "subprocess" so the "comman-line" actually is a list of strings. If the executable attribute is not set (evaluate false) then the first non-keyword argument is considered to be the executable tool name. The command line is build as follows:: executable keyword-arguments args If you need a command-line in single string form use something like:: ' '.join(tool.cmdline(arg1, arg2, arg3)) ''' if self.args is not None: args = list(self.args) + list(args) executable = self.executable if not executable: try: executable = args[0] args = args[1:] except IndexError: raise ValueError('"executable" not set') if isinstance(executable, basestring): parts = [executable] else: # handle cases like: executable = ['python', '-u', ''] parts = list(executable) parts.extend('%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems()) parts.extend(str(arg) for arg in args) return parts
def __str__(self): return ' '.join(self.cmdline())
[docs]class BaseToolController(object): '''Base class for controlling command line tools. A tool controller runs an external tool in controlled way. The output of the child process is handled by the controller and, optionally, notifications can be achieved at sub-process termination. A tool controller also allows to stop the controlled process. .. note:: after the process termination the user can still query both :attr:`subprocess` and :attr:`stopped` for getting info about the executed process. The user should have care of calling :meth:`reset` when info n executed process are no more needed or before executing a new process. ''' def __init__(self, logger=None): super(BaseToolController, self).__init__() #: the subprocess instance self.subprocess = None self._userstop = False self._tool = None if logger is None or isinstance(logger, basestring): self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger) else: assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger) self.logger = logger @property
[docs] def isbusy(self): '''If True then the controller is already running a subprocess.''' raise NotImplementedError('BaseToolController.busy')
[docs] def userstop(self): '''If True the process has been stopped by the user.''' return self._userstop
[docs] def finalize_run_hook(self): '''Hook method for extra finalization tasks. This method is always called after finalization and before controller reset. The user can provide a custom implementation in derived classes in order to perform extra finalization actions. This method is not meant to be called from the user. ''' pass
[docs] def finalize_run(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('finalize_run')
def _reset(self): '''Internal reset. Kill the controlled subprocess and reset I/O channels loosing all unprocessed data. ''' if self._tool: if self._tool.stdout_handler: self._tool.stdout_handler.reset() if self._tool.stderr_handler: self._tool.stderr_handler.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): '''Reset the tool controller instance''' self._reset() self._userstop = False self._tool = None
[docs] def prerun_hook(self, cmd): '''Hook method for extra pre-run actions. This method is always called before the controlled subprocess is actually started. The user can provide its own custom implementation in derived classes in order to perform additional actions. This method is not meant to be called from the user. ''' if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': prompt = 'cmd >' else: prompt = '$' if not isinstance(cmd, basestring): cmd = ' '.join(cmd)'%s %s' % (prompt, cmd), extra={'tag': 'cmd'})
[docs] def connect_output_handlers(self): pass
[docs] def handle_stdout(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('handle_stdout')
[docs] def handle_stderr(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('handle_stderr')
[docs] def run_tool(self, tool, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('run_tool')
[docs] def stop_tool(self, force=True): raise NotImplementedError('stop_tool')
if(__name__ == '__main__'): import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class DummyToolController(BaseToolController): def connect_output_handlers(self): while self.subprocess: self.handle_stdout() time.sleep(0.1) h = BaseOutputHandler() h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r-') h.feed(' \r/') h.feed('\r \\') h.feed('\r| ') h.feed(' \r - ') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r12%') h.feed(' \r13%') h.feed('\r 14%') h.feed('\r15 %') h.feed('\r16% ') h.feed(' \r 17 % ') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r17.1%') h.feed(' \r17.2%') h.feed('\r 17.3%') h.feed('\r17.4 %') h.feed('\r17.5% ') h.feed(' \r 17.6 % ') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r-18%') h.feed(' \r/18%') h.feed('\r |18% ') h.feed('\r\\ 18%') h.feed('\r-18 %') h.feed('\r/18% ') h.feed(' \r | 18 % ') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r-19.0%') h.feed(' \r/19.1%') h.feed('\r |19.2%') h.feed('\r\\ 19.3%') h.feed('\r-19.4 %') h.feed('\r/19.5% ') h.feed(' \r | 19.5 % ') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\relapsed time: 1') h.feed('\relapsed time: 2') h.feed('\relapsed time: 3') h.feed('\rline\n') h.feed('\r- 1.0% completed.') h.feed('\r/ 2.0% completed.') h.feed('\r| 3.0% completed.') h.feed('\r\\ 4.0% completed.') h.feed('\rdone\n') h.close() #~ import doctest #~ doctest.testmod()

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